
Applications and Usage

  Since digital image processing has very wide applications and almost all of the technical fields are impacted by DIP, we will just discuss some of the major applications of DIP. Digital Image processing is not just limited to adjust the spatial resolution of the everyday images captured by the camera. It is not just limited to increase the brightness of the photo, e.t.c. Rather it is far more than that. Electromagnetic waves can be thought of as stream of particles, where each particle is moving with the speed of light. Each particle contains a bundle of energy. This bundle of energy is called a photon. The electromagnetic spectrum according to the energy of photon is shown below. In this electromagnetic spectrum, we are only able to see the visible spectrum.Visible spectrum mainly includes seven different colors that are commonly term as (VIBGOYR). VIBGOYR stands for violet , indigo , blue , green , orange , yellow and Red. But that doesnot nullify the existence of other stuff i...

History of Photography

  Origin of camera The history of camera and photography is not exactly the same. The concepts of camera were introduced a lot before the concept of photography Camera Obscura The history of the camera lies in ASIA. The principles of the camera were first introduced by a Chinese philosopher MOZI. It is known as camera obscura. The cameras evolved from this principle. The word camera obscura is evolved from two different words. Camera and Obscura. The meaning of the word camera is a room or some kind of vault and Obscura stands for dark. The concept which was introduced by the Chinese philosopher consist of a device, that project an image of its surrounding on the wall. However it was not built by the Chinese. The creation of camera obscura The concept of Chinese was bring in reality by a Muslim scientist Abu Ali Al-Hassan Ibn al-Haitham commonly known as Ibn al-Haitham. He built the first camera obscura. His camera follows the principles of pinhole camera. He build this device in s...

Signals and Systems Introduction

  This tutorial covers the basics of signals and system necessary for understanding the concepts of digital image processing. Before going into the detail concepts , lets first define the simple terms. Signals In electrical engineering, the fundamental quantity of representing some information is called a signal. It does not matter what the information is i-e: Analog or digital information. In mathematics, a signal is a function that conveys some information. In fact any quantity measurable through time over space or any higher dimension can be taken as a signal. A signal could be of any dimension and could be of any form. Analog signals A signal could be an analog quantity that means it is defined with respect to the time. It is a continuous signal. These signals are defined over continuous independent variables. They are difficult to analyze, as they carry a huge number of values. They are very much accurate due to a large sample of values. In order to store these signals , you r...

Digital Image Processing Introduction

  Introduction Signal processing is a discipline in electrical engineering and in mathematics that deals with analysis and processing of analog and digital signals , and deals with storing , filtering , and other operations on signals. These signals include transmission signals , sound or voice signals , image signals , and other signals e.t.c. Out of all these signals , the field that deals with the type of signals for which the input is an image and the output is also an image is done in image processing. As it name suggests, it deals with the processing on images. It can be further divided into analog image processing and digital image processing. Analog image processing Analog image processing is done on analog signals. It includes processing on two dimensional analog signals. In this type of processing, the images are manipulated by electrical means by varying the electrical signal. The common example include is the television image. Digital image processing has dominated over...

Digital Image Processing

Digital image processing deals with manipulation of digital images through a digital computer. It is a subfield of signals and systems but focus particularly on images. DIP focuses on developing a computer system that is able to perform processing on an image. The input of that system is a digital image and the system process that image using efficient algorithms, and gives an image as an output. The most common example is Adobe Photoshop. It is one of the widely used application for processing digital images. How it works. In the above figure, an image has been captured by a camera and has been sent to a digital system to remove all the other details, and just focus on the water drop by zooming it in such a way that the quality of the image remains the same. Audience This tutorial gives you the knowledge of widely used methods and procedures for interpreting digital images for image enhancement and restoration and performing operations on images such as (blurring , zooming , sharpenin...